Iman Black Seed Oil is 100% Pure Virgin Cold-Pressed Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) Oil. When taken regularly as part of a Healthy Lifestyle the Black Seed /Oil (Nigella Sativa) helps to Stabilize and Rebuild the Body’s Defense Mechanisms in a Gentle and Natural way. It is an Ideal Supplement for Health and Wellbeing. It Is a Rich Source of Omega 6 and Omega 9 Essential Fatty Acids. It also contains a Broad range of important Phytochemicals such as the Potent Antioxidant Beta Sitosterol and Thymoquinone an active ingredient in Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) Oil extract that has Anti-inflammatory Anti-tussive Anti-hypertensive Anti-diabetic Antibacterial and Anti-Cancer properties. It is an ideal Food Supplement. Produced in the UK. It is Wild Crafted and GMO-Free. 100ml.